i think a lot about how easy it is to feel a small amount of discomofort and feel like the whole world is falling apart - but just a normal day where you get to breathe and eat and live with no pressing challenges doesn’t feel like the miracle it is…
THIS is IT folks. this is the afterparty - we made it here. it’s all gonna be gone soon, so why not enjoy it all and just do that thing you’ve putting off but really want to? sorry, guess its just the time of year got me feelin existential nah thats just usually my vibe. only difference is im trying to use these existential feely powers for good these days.
what i wouldn’t give to be 20 again - eat trash, drink, no sleep, and do it all again the next day… getting closer and closer to a hard wall where not sleeping 8 hours feels almost impossible
the previous two thoughts are in direct relation to hearing a young woman hyperbolize unnecessarily earlier today. i did simultanously think that she needs perspective, but also that i would’ve been overdramatic as well at that time and place in my life
started workin on one of these pencils portraits that taylor czerwinski took reference photos for a year and half ago. speaking of doin that thing you’ve been puttin off… it was before work, so i felt a lil rushed, but it was nice to draw on paper; i’ll probably do some more of that tonight. classic zach move - mentally preparing myself for a tight deadline by adding new unfinished work to the list that didn’t need to be there lol.
also speaking of adding unfinished projects to the list, i’m going to officially unofficially say that my first art book is going to be called year zero and i’d like it to be released this year but i dont know. i like the action movie irony of just calling it year zero and just adding volume numbers…feels resonant with whatever the ennui/vibe/philosophy/flavor of whoisbirthdaycake and the brand in general.
i do feel lucky. i have a lot to be thankful for and if i’m being honest, i got a long way to go towards properly honoring it all. feel it all.